How to Create a New TEAMS Meeting from Email Recipients in Outlook?

Hello @marcelofb , if you’re using Outlook 2016 or greater, the solution is very simple.

Simply open the email message (you want to transform into a new meeting) and click “Meeting” from the “Respond” group of the “Message” tab.


And you’re done. :+1:

In the new windows you can adjust meeting information, like date and time to start and end. You can add extra recipients (or remove some, if needed).
The great thing here is that all meeting recipients are just like those from base email. :wink:

To convert it to a TEAMS Meeting, simply click the button “Teams Meeting” from the “Teams Meeting” group of the “Meeting” tab.


And you can do whatever any other adjust you want. Like using the “Scheduling Assistant” tab to see each user availability.

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