1. What is an MNO?

    A Mobile Network Operator (MNO) is the ‘landlord’ of the cellular network. MNOs own and operate the critical infrastructure that enables cellular communication. This infrastructure includes the network spectrum (invisible radio frequencies for cellular signals) and the physical telecom infrastructure, such as cell towers and switching centers. MNOs build and maintain these networks, which allows them to sell cellular services directly to end users, enterprises, and other cellular providers. Accessing an MNO’s network requires a SIM card with a unique International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) number. This IMSI is a key that identifies the user and permits them to connect to the MNO’s network.

  2. What is an MVNO?

    MVNOs (Mobile Virtual Network Operators) are service providers who resell cellular data purchased in bulk from MNOs. They buy data at wholesale rates from MNOs and repackage it into customized plans and service offerings for their customers. Traditionally, MVNOs do not own network infrastructure but leverage existing infrastructure from MNOs, allowing them to bypass the hefty costs of building and maintaining their own network. MVNOs are adept at identifying and serving niche markets that larger MNOs might overlook and can tailor plans to specific needs and industries.

  3. What is an MVNE?

    MVNEs (Mobile Virtual Network Enablers) don’t directly provide cellular connectivity to end users but focus on delivering the essential tools and services that MVNOs need to operate efficiently. They offer billing systems that allow MVNOs to manage customer accounts, track data usage, and generate invoices. They may also provide a user-friendly platform for MVNO customers to manage their accounts and top up data. MVNEs may also handle the activation and configuration of SIM cards on behalf of MVNOs.

  4. What is an MVNA?

    An MVNA (Mobile Virtual Network Aggregator) is a single entity that aggregates several smaller MVNOs under one roof. This collective approach grants MVNAs significant negotiating power with MNOs. By representing a larger pool of potential MNO customers, MVNAs can secure more favorable bulk pricing for cellular network access.

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