Adding time to PMR command

when querying for performance on Ericsson nodeB using the pmr command ,is it possible to add a time interval ?

Hi, @King, yes it is possible, type h pmr for help:

Time options:
If the command "pmra" is used then all ROP files are fetched. Otherwise, the ROP files of the last hour are fetched.

The "-m" and "-p" options are used for specifying the timespan that the reports should cover, in hours or parts of hours.
The timespan is relative to the node's current date/time if online, and relative to the most recent file timestamp if offline.
 >> "pmr -m 5" will show statistics for the last 5 hours.
 >> "pmr -m 5 -p 3" will show statistics starting 5 hours ago and 3 hours from then on (ie: up to 2 hours ago).
 >> "pmr -m 0.25" will show statistics for the last 15 minutes
 >> "pmr -m 0.5" will show statistics for the last 30 minutes
By default the timespan is for the last 1 hour.

The "-s" and "-e" options are used for specifying an absolute timespan. The timestamp should be in the format yyyymmdd[.hhmm]
 >> pmr -s 20050705 -e 20050710
 >> pmr -s 20050705.1000
 >> pmr -s 20050705.1000 -e 20050705.1915

The "-tz <hrs>" switch is for printing the timestamps a specific timezone. Eg: "-tz +10" will show the timestamps in UTC+10 timezone. Note: this setting can be saved in the moshellrc uservariable "tz_option"

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It worked thank you so much.

Happy new year