Anyway to ping from a Ericsson ENM CLI command?

Hello i would like to know if there is ping command in CLI ?

I need to check if my BB and DUG/W/S are joignable without checking one by one in the enm.

In my best world it would be:
ping --node SiteName
ping SubNetwork=ONRM_ROOT_MO,SubNetwork=LTE,MeContext

Thanks for the help :grinning:

Hi, @Hugo_LE_GALL, in the CLI you can only ping from DUW(S) using cmedit action.

Thanks mate, any alternative solution?

Some of them can be ping by CMD but some other no

@Hugo_LE_GALL, the alternative is amos/moshell and grep logs for results.

and how to use the ping, i’ve tried:

cmedit action SubNetwork=ONRM_ROOT_MO,SubNetwork=LTE,MeContext=RBSNAME,ManagedElement=1,IpOam=1,Ip=1 traceroute

Error 1016 : An incorrect action name (traceroute) has been encountered for the type Ip possible value(s) are [ ]

Suggested Solution : Provide a value from this list: []

I’ve tried the command in the help section with the ip found in : nodeIpAddress (this is the ip used by my dus)

Hi, @Hugo_LE_GALL, actions ping and traceRoute is on IpOam object. You can verify in amos with command acl . ping.

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