Attenuation is the amount of light loss from input to output.
Attenuation can be classified to intrinsic and extrinsic.
Intrinsic attenuation is absorption of light energy and scattering.
Intrinsic depends on the fiber impurities.
Extrinsic attenuation is the fiber bending , strees from manufacturing and other environmental factors.
Total link loss = fiber loss + connectors loss + splice loss.
Fiber loss = 10 log output power / input power.
Fiber attenuation represented in db./ km.
Attenuation can be from 0.2-0.3 db / km in SMF ( single mode ) G652 for C band ( 1550 nm ) as an example.
Fiber loss depends on fiber length , fiber type and wavelength of signal.
All passive equipments like attenuators and dispersion compensation devices can Introduce insertion loss.
DCM is dispersion compensation modules, it’s used to solve pulse broadening issue.
dispersion can be chromatic or polarization.
dispersion value can be expressed by
PS / km.nm