BaseBand Ericsson 6630 - Temperature

Hi Gentlements! Does anyone know how to extract the temperature reading from the basebands 5212/5216/6630 from the manufacturer Ericsson? Thanks a lot.


show-counters ManagedElement=1,Equipment=1,FieldReplaceableUnit=BB-1

or in stat pmUnitTemperatureLevel

no any legal way


Humm… and if you try this?

te e all BC_TEMP
te log read | grep TRACE2 | awk β€˜{print $1" β€œ$2” β€œ$21” β€œ$22” β€œ$26” β€œ$27” β€œ$30” β€œ$31” "$32}’ | sed β€˜s/"//’ | sed β€˜s/,/ =/’

Is it correct read sensorId = 0?

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temperature: 29500 (mC)

It looks like milli celsius (mC) or something

It’s 29,5 C. So, yes - that milli celsius.

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Anyone have information about the possibility of setting temperature ranges (if possible) for BB - turning off BB below -10 degrees (as example), overheating above 45 degrees (also turning off BB)?

Hello friend, I’m trying these commands and I don’t have any results, could you tell me how to get this result?