Boda lite - 5G Ericsson Parameter baseline audit

Can anyone help me how to audit baseline parameters for Ericsson 5G Tech. I can import and parse 5G
dump XML file. But for Baseline audit its showing Tech as 4G and 4G MOs are loading even though I don’t have 4G tables in my boda database.
Below is the sample


Support will be highly appreciated

Hello @Ameen,

Thanks for the feedback. There are several enhancements and features we are working on but manpower is still a constraint to the pace at which we want to go.

Concerning the 5G Ericsson parameter baseline audit, we have 2G, 3G, and 4G MOs and parameters loaded for the baseline line audit; 5G is yet to be loaded. I have gone ahead and added it to the list of todo items. However, if you are willing to help out with this particular issue we can move it up in the queue. Otherwise, we will provide an update on it when we reach it. Hopefully not too far down in the future

Hello , i am facing issue while doing the baseline for 4G to compare the dump with
would you please support with the procedure to do that.

Hi, I was also facing the same issue. now i am not using this tool specially for BL audit. You should find other way workaround using python or SQL for BL audit.