Brilliant 6G Terahertz Conference - AVAILABLE NOW!

Check NOW! #6g #terahertz #ntu #aarhus #aalborg #deloitte #nokia #pilani #6gworld #ieee

JULY 2023 great line speakers at today’s Conference.

XCHANGING IDEAS #39 Global 5G Evolution (Follow Our Page) - #5g Key Highlights!

Kaneshwaran Govindasamy, KL, Malaysia - 6G Spectrum Explained

Monica Paolini, Seattle, USA - Energy Efficiency as we move 5G to 6G

Paulo Sergio Rufino Henrique Sergio Rufino, Paris, France - The 6G Roadmap Towards Ubiquitous Network

Alexander Lawrence, London, UK - Some Commercial Implications Of 6G Technical Concepts

Vishnu Ram OV Ram, Bengaluru, India - AI/ML in 6G networks

Dr. Yi-Fan Wang, PhD (Mike Wang), Taoyuan City, Taiwan - MIMO for 6G

Prof Dr. Gilberto Berardinelli, Denmark - In-X subnetworks for short-range extreme communications

Dr. Uttara Sawant- 6G Enabled massive IoT networks

Prof Dr. Ranjan Singh, Singapore - Terahertz 6G Communication

Dr. Anand R. Prasad, Tokyo, Japan - Considering Security in the New Era

Prof Dr. Paresh Saxena, Hydrebad, India- MEC enabled NTNs for 6G

Big Thanks to the Brilliant Speakers!

Click for the detail video presentation. #click #LIKE on our video!!!

Mostly are Researchers and Professors in this session!