CD ROADM concept

  • C = colorless

    • Colorless wavelength means Tunable

    • Colorless wavelength add drop ports allow re-configuring ROADM remotely

    • That can be done when transponder or line board have been installed in the rack

    • Colorless means that any carrier / wavelength can be added or dropped from any port on roadm

    • Colored means the Mux and demux ports allow add and drop specific wavelength

    • Colorless scenario used efficiently with ASON where we use tunable Transponders

    • In this case we can flexibly tune wavelengths and perform rerouting to avoid wavelength congestion and protect network against route failure

  • D = directionless

    • Directionless means the wavelength carrying traffic can be transmitted to any direction

    • Directioned means that the traffic will be transmitted to specific direction

    • In that case a site visit required when we need to change the path of Traffic to adjust the fiber cabling

    • Used with ason to dynamically detect paths and create optical cross connections

  • ASON : automatic switching optical network

    • ASON is a high level of optical networking routes mangment and protection allowing for network protection against multiple failures with different types of SLAs

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