Hi Ericsson experts.
I am modifying the LAC and RAC for a cell in the RNC.
This is the command I used:
setm UtranCell=GV2211 locationAreaRef LocationArea=10011 routingAreaRef LocationArea=10011,RoutingArea=11 uraRef Ura=15.
See the error in the photo:
Anyone, if you have idea, please support.
If you are changing LAC / RAC you need to include the service area ref.
URA can be changed after.
June 14, 2024, 1:09am
That means I will have to remove the ura parameter?
setm UtranCell=GV2211 locationAreaRef LocationArea=10011 servicearearef locationarea=10011,servicearea=51741 routingAreaRef LocationArea=10011,RoutingArea=11
Yes, is not required in the struct.
Remember to assign the service area to the lac first.
June 14, 2024, 1:11am
The LAC was not assigned to the SAC.
I assigned it and the modification worked.
I was having the same issue and your comments and commands helped a lot. Thanks!
//create a SAC with new LAC
cr RncFunction=1,LocationArea=70,ServiceArea=30201
//modify the LAC & RAC
setm UtranCell=GTW020A locationAreaRef LocationArea=70 servicearearef locationarea=70,servicearea=30201 routingAreaRef LocationArea=70,RoutingArea=70
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