Hi Experts.
Do we have Counters to detect silent calls for VoLTE and VoNR?
Huawei has:
- Excellent
- Good
- Average
- Poor
- Bad
Not MOS.
Silent call (no voice).
In Huawei /ZTE VQI - equivalent to MOS.
Ericsson , Nokia – Silent frames counter available.
But these are not silent calls.
These are silent instance during a call when the voice packet lost.
To identify silent call it is required probes.
We use Anritsu.
Silent frame for how much time? → very important to decide
Yes, so no counters available yet as Ericsson provided in 3G.
In 3G , Ericsson provided was pmsilentcallnb/wb/ul/dl.
Was looking for something similar in VoLTE.
Bad is silent call.
You mean: bad could be silent call.
Yes, includes silent call.
So, exclusive counter is still not there to exactly check if silent calls started triggering at any level.
For VoLTE & VoNR yes.
For Silent call or one way call we have to consider IMS hence E2E formulations required.
MoS comes here but it is different from VQI (air interface only).
If you talk about ericssona and Nokia vendor for this they need to use probe method as mentioned by some body.
That depends uniformity of vendor from RF and IMS both end.
If any of domain has different OEM type as most of them have IMS from Nokia, then 3rd party tool can be used and formula will consider both part from RF + Core.
For Huawei: L.Voice.DL.silent.Num and UL
Yes Thanks, @chitrangankumar. But in Ericsson it’s not exactly silent calls.
Yes, you’re right. It is silent time per VoLTE user kpi.
But this is what I got it from Ericsson side.
Thank you all
Conclusion: we don’t have exact counter in VoLTE to detect silent calls.
Yes, we can’t have exact counter for silent call but, we can have composite counters!
This is what all oem are using it.
in Huawei.
L.UECNTX.Rel.eNodeB.CallMute :Number of UE context releases initiated by the eNodeB due to uplink mute calls
L.HHO.IntraCell.CallMute.ExecSuccOut:Number of intra-cell outgoing handover execution attempts due to uplink mute calls in a cell
How you do it by Anritsu?
This is per IMSI not cell correct?