Decode the Ericsson Cell Trace binary file (generated with ENM)

Hi Everyone.

I would like to decode the Ericsson Cell Trace binary file (generated with ENM) and save the parameters of some EVENTS as a CSV file.

Which tool can do it?

I know E// have tool ltedecoder…

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What’s the format of the file? XML?

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Format is asn1.

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Can you share sample?

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This tool is included in ENM

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Can you explain please how to generate such trace from ENM and how to parse it through ENM parser as well?

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  1. Go to Ericsson Network Manager -> PM Initiation and Collection (Create Subsciption)-> Cell Trace / EBS-L Subscription
  2. Fill in required data
  3. After trace will finished connect to Scripting VM with ssh and decode files lteCellTraceFileDecoder /ericsson/pmic2/CELLTRACE/pathtofile