Ericsson BBU 6630 SFTP server File doesn't exist on specified path

Dear folk

At home using my laptop windows 10 64 bit its firewall disabled when I was trying to load the script and the compatible software to a brand new Ericsson BBU 6630 using mini mini-sftp-server.V2.28,I received this error message:

Upgrade package download failed Reason : File doesn't exist on specified path

The path is correct and the script and software in the same folder where SFTP point to it please see attached snapshot:

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Firstly, if I may ask, is it the first time when encountered this type of error message?

Secondly, what is the revised version of the Ericsson BBU 6630, for example R1D, R2B or R3D

Thirdly, check the folder name where you have the script, software and mini sftp server on the machine if it corresponds with the root path name of the mini sftp server… I can see C:\TEST SRIPT_4G.
Please also select all the options on the mini sftp server setting.

Thx Omtee
Sorry I didn’t receive a forum email notification to your reply.
The guide that I was following showing 4G software has to be compressed (.zip) and since it was an old document it didn’t work.
What i did I unzipped the software every went fine

Just for reference It is R3D

oh i see…the R3D is the latest Ericsson BBU