Ericsson IFLB feature

Hello Experts.

Regarding IFLB Ericsson feature

I want to calculate the subscription ratio so that I can set the lbthreshold and lbctivationthreshold.

I got a counter that represents the sum of total S R in a ROP (15 min) and the other one represents total cycles of load balance every ROP (15min).

If I divide sum of SR over total cycles I still don’t get the exact S R for the cell.

Since we know that one cycle of load balance calculates the S R repeatedly in certain intervals which means that every one cycle can has many S R.

So how come I set the trigger values for the feature and I don’t have the range of the S R?

Admin note: this post was updated with image below.

Hope it will help:

Thanks, I know this formula.

But how I’m gonna calculate it?

I can fetch the camped UEs on the cell now and count of bearers.

But don’t know which QCI to calculate to full quanta.

And this a manual method.

The QCI subscription quanta values (QciProfilePredefined.qciSubscriptionQuanta and QciProfileOperatorDefined.qciSubscriptionQuanta) of all E-RABs (both GBR and non-GBR services) Configured in the cell are added.

I think that:

  • lbThreshold: acts as a general offset for LB process.
  • lbActivationThreshold: is a minimum level that is defined at EUtranFreqRelation level to prevent execution of LB in low traffic scenarios.

Therefore, in none of these 2 parameters it is necessary to be so strict with the Subscription Ratio calculation.

  • qciSubscriptionQuanta initially can be set equal to (or proportional to) the typical bitrate of the beare.
  • cellSubscriptionCapacity: can be calculated based on the available PRB resource in the cell, which depends on the bandwidth. The calculation is usually performed based on the downlink resource alone, disregarding the uplink re-sources.

The available downlink PRB resource is then multiplied with the typical spectrum efficiency in the cell.