European labs to receive billions in chip funding

European labs to receive billions in chip funding

The funding will support a NanoIC pilot line hosted at imec’s facility in Leuven, Belgium

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The best brains of Europe have already moved to USA.

Getting the funding is not as big of a problem for European labs. The bigger problem is shortage of skilled human capital.

I had read a research paper in 2006… It mentioned that both Europe and USA compete for best human capital from Asia.

The paper had predicted that USA will not only be able to pull the best brains from Asia… but also from Europe.

Europe’s immigration policies are miserable.

Compare EB2-NIW of USA with any immigration program of Europe. There is simply no match.

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Well, the Blue Card program is quite generous and relatively easy to obtain.

However, salaries in Europe cannot compete with the US.

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Sir, I believe the answer is more: Environment, Sustainability trainings in corpo…

For sure this lead us to become better engineers in Telecom / RF field.

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