This is a sample topic, to stimulate discussions. Fell free to comment, so we can see and learn how to use it.
really easy to use… great job!
Hi @Leo
You can get a module to handle the KPIs graphically (like dashbord)?
Hello @CSilva.
Yes, we can. Unfortunately, there are several ways to do it, so first we must define what would be the best ‘way’ to go.
Explaining better…
First we need to answer some questions:
- What would be the base: Web (using for example Google Maps), Google Earth, Mapinfo/ArcView or similar, Android/iOS, Excel…?
- Also, we need to define some kind of ‘templates’. Do you (or anyone here) have any suggestions?
I have some Dashboard i use in my company, that you can find here:
Hunter 038 - Google Earth Performance KPI Plot (Application)
We can start from this one, or maybe follow any suggestion.
So, everyone, please feel free to contribute, whether you prefer to have a dashboard in mapinfo, or any other application.
The initial idea is to use Excel or Access. The concept is the same applied in others kpi modules Hunter, Just the calculations counters is returned in graphics (CDF, bars, lines, scatters, etc.).
Goal: Receives raw counters in excel or access, makes the calculation of KPIs and returns us graphically (bars, lines, scatters, etc.).