In Huawei 4G I’ve a lot of cells (1 carrier only) which the PRB Usage is >85% and at these hours the DL Throughput is low.
Do you have any optimizatiion suggestion to try to improve the Throughput?
I know that the ideal was add a new carrier, but it´s not possible.
What is the max prb usage and average prb usage out of busy hours?
You can share some traffic with top neighboring cells in idle and connected mode if those neighbors are not congested too.
In Huawei, what value do you recommend to use in these two parameters: HYSFORCFIBASEDPRESCH and CFIADJCCETHLD?
For cell with high load (High PRB usage) to increase the Throughput?
The cell has 20 MHz.
You can change the RBG Resource allocation strategy from “Round_Down to Round_up” but it helps when the PRB usage is less than 70%, but in your case its more than 85%.
Another approach is to change the “HOSTATICMCSTIMER” if the value is high than the user throughput during handover will reduce so you can change this parameter to achieve better user throughput.
OR turn ON the HANDOVER aperiodic cqi configuration switch
Change the CQI adjustment initial step to 10. It could improve the adjustment speed of CQI but iBLER/rBLER may increase.
“These are some suggestions for throughput improvement” Make sure CQI,MCS, CCE, Interference are following the trend during these hours compare to other hours.
PdcchPowerEnhancedSwitch: Indicates whether to enable enhanced PDCCH power control. If this switch is turned on, the eNodeB selects appropriate PDCCH transmit power based on channel quality to increase PDCCH capacity. This parameter is valid only for FDD, not for TDD.
If this switch is turned on, the eNodeB selects a lower aggregation level and increases the transmit power to ensure the PDCCH demodulation performance, allow the PDCCH to support more UEs, and increase the uplink and downlink throughput.
If this switch is turned off, the eNodeB selects a higher aggregation level and the operator needs to configure the transmit power manually.
Check if this parameter is linked with any other recommendation. PDCCH boost is good, may help with CCE utilization but you may still have coverage issues on data channels.
I tried these switches and all other possible parameters, if tier Cells are also utilized then it won’t work…we were working on many cells like these…just ended with new site or carriers…