How many UL transmit antenna are supported in NR practical implementation?

Hello Experts.

Usually how many UL transmit antenna are supported in NR practical implementation?

Perhaps standard support 4 Tx UL MIMO?

1 Tx antenna for NSA.

For SA there are few UEs that have 2 Tx antenna. So maximum 2x2 UL mimo in SA practical implementation.

So at most 2 layers in UL, is it?
However the standards support 4 Tx, right?

Yes, correct.

In DL the number of Rx is 4, right?

Generally yes, 4 Rx antenna on UE.

But there is a Huawei modem that was capable of 8x8 MIMO DL.

Here is one for LTE, but be aware that percentage of DL 8x8 mimo would be less than 0.1% in real life of drivetest so really I do not know if it worth spending money on its development:

This is even a CPE so it has fixed location, less probably to have 8x8 DL MIMO at its location.