How to decode ericsson cell trace .bin.gz file

Hello, I have cell trace .bin.gz files I want to decode events of.

I know tools like ENM, ltngdecoder, floxvox etc… can decode this but I cannot find any of them.

Anyone have any idea how can I find them?

Especially @vlr9999 seems to know about this topic, can we discuss further please?

Hi, @kayakaan, lteCellTraceFileDecoder avaiable in ENM:

$ lteCellTraceFileDecoder -h
usage: lteCellTraceFileDecoder [-h] [-nc] [-f {DEFAULT,JSON_FORMAT}]

LTE Celltrace Decoder - decodes LTE Celltrace files to a compressed csv format
Output directory will be /ericsson/tfd_cli_output/LTE_CELLTRACE

positional arguments:
  file_name             specify full path and name of the file to be decoded

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -nc, --no_compression
                        disable compression for the current file
                        Output format of the decoded file

Full path to file must be specified
The disk usage volume is checked prior to decoding files and if the threshold is exceeded, no new files will be decoded until old files are deleted.
Decoder will skip already decoded files. File is considered decoded if a file with the same name and applicable extension exists in the output directory.

I don’t know if there are other standalone tools.

Hi @kayakaan. Yes, cell traces maybe decoded with ltng decoder. There is also logtool to decode them with GUI. But both tools are considered as Ericsson internal and I never seen them in public domain.