Identifying Limited Coverage on Highways in Atoll Using the Coverage on Vectors Plug-in

Hello Experts.

How can we identify limited coverage areas, such as highways, in Atoll using the Coverage on Vectors plug-in?

Somebody else can comment on Coverage on Vectors Plug-in. I will suggest a workaround.
You can import any polygon/vector data set into “hot spot zone” or “focus zone”, calculate your coverage and then run report on the coverage KPIs within those zones. That will give you an idea of the scale of the problem.
You can then ask ACP to cover those poor coverage pixels by using existing sites, or you can allow ACP to propose new site. If you don’t have ACP license, you can export coverage to GIS and run a query or two to identify these areas in bulk and how many sites would you need.

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Thanks @Londynan