Infrastructure Resource Layer: The backbone of 6G, it hosts network functions & services. Think switches, routers, data centers, cloud infrastructure, and radio gear (RU, DU, base stations).
Network Service Layer: Fully cloud-based, diverse clouds like far edge, edge, core/central, and public/private clouds. Multiple stakeholders will provide these clouds, bringing immense flexibility.
Far Edge: A universe of devices with various software and hardware tech, from personal gadgets to IoT devices.
An “exposure framework” connects these clouds, ensuring seamless interoperation and networking. The entire 6G architecture is software-based, intelligent, and efficient.
Applications on 6G will request communication and computation services with specific QoS and QoE requirements. A dedicated network slice delivers exactly that!
The Management and Orchestration Domain: It spans all 6G layers. Automation is key, with AI/ML tech driving closed-loop control.
Get ready for an ultra-connected, intelligent, and efficient communication era! 6G is on the horizon.