Incoming call mobile number showing two country codes in the beginning instead of one

Hello Experts.

Has any observed incoming call mobile number showing two country codes in the beginning instead of one?

Why it actually happens?

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If it’s iPhone, then check the dial assistant, if it’s on.

Will auto add country code.

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Not an iPhone…

Any other suggestion?

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There are a couple of reasons why you might see an incoming call with two country codes on your phone:

1- Incorrect formatting:

Sometimes, your phone or carrier might misread the incoming number and add an extra country code at the beginning. This can happen due to software glitches or how the call is routed internationally.

2- Caller ID spoofing:

In rare cases, scammers might deliberately manipulate the caller ID to show two country codes. This is done to trick you into answering the call, thinking it’s from a legitimate source.