Inter site inter vendor NSA

Hello Experts.

  1. Are there any use cases of inter site inter vendor NSA? ( e.g Menb of one vendor and sgnb of other vendor on different site).

  2. Can it be possible? If not then why is it not possible?

I was searching for this as well but didn’t find any example.

Actually we need X2 between 4G and 5G and as you know pProblem is that vendors keep X2 hard coded, proprietary.

So it’s really diffcult to make NSA network with different vendors.


We do have inter vendor x2 for handovers etc.

Therefore i was assuming if for NSA it can be possible or not.

I’m configuring this HO right now (HUAWEI → ZTE).

I’ll come back here to report if it worked.

  • Ho LTE ↔ LTE Working
  • Ho 5G ↔ 5G Working
  • LTE ZTE ↔ 5G HUAWEI (sometimes it doesn’t work)
  • LTE HUAWEI ↔ 5G ZTE Does not work