Hello Experts,
Did anyone have notice low SINR scenario during SSV?
(Cluster tuning)
The other all KPIs: NR Coverage / CQI / Throughput… all good, but SINR so bad in Drive Test.
Quite weird to see good throughput with bad SINR.
Just for curiosity, what is the channel bandwidth?
80 MHz.
PRB strategy within the Band only.
Hi Experts.
Why SINR is very low below zero in Good RF conditions?
RSRP below -60 dBm and RSRQ above -13 dB.
The Throughput is also below 10 Mbps.
PRB uilization is also under 50.
What is the RSSI value?
SINR < 0…it’s not good RF condition.
Check the dominance.
There may be multiple cells serving in that area with RSRP difference of < 4 / 5 dB.
Check neighbors RSRP.
RSSI is very high.
Heavy interference maybe there in that region.
Try locking NBR cells and then check.
How much sbould be the RSSI value?
Did you mean halting the neighours cell?
Normally less than -65.
Yes, blocking the radiating neighbouring cells.
An RSSI closer to 0 is stronger, and closer to –100 is weaker.
For best performance, you want your RSSI to be as high as possible.
A useful rule of thumb is that if the RSSI is less than –70 dBm, you are unlikely to have good performance.
RSSI includes interference as well.
Too high value isn’t good.
RSSI is high and RSRQ is low… That indicates interference.
RSSI value closer to -121, -120 comes under cold RSSI.
- RSSI is -21 dBm
- RSRQ is -17 dB
- RSRP is -58 dBm
- SINR is 0.5 dB
Thank you All!
I have tried making maintainance mode of neighbouring site and got normal SINR.
The rca is mode 3 interference.
After PCI modification, SINR is normal now.