Plot from Excel to Google Earth Kml Kmz Macro (VBA Code)

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As much as programming languages evolve, and are increasingly powerful, such as applications in Java, Python, R and many others, sometimes “simple” serves us faster, “works”.

This is the case, for example, of a simple macro that takes geographic coordinates and plots the points (placemark) on Google Earth.

In fact, initially created for RAN professionals, it even goes a step further: it plots base station cells (sectors).

Whatever your need - plotting points on Google Earth, or plotting cells (petals), you can download and use the Excel macro and do this task in seconds!

And of course, because it’s so versatile and simple, it’s definitely part of the list of tools we use in our learning system, and that’s why it’s here.

If you want to know more about .Plot from Excel to Google Earth Kml Kmz Macro (VBA Code) you can use these suggested links:

And you can see what members are discussing Topics discussing Google Earth

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