Reduce RS power for cell to increase PDSCH (Huawei and Ericsson)

Hello Experts.

I have to reduce the RS power for Ericsson cell to increase PDSCH.

  • Total Power = 40W X 2
  • CRS Gain = +300
  • PDSCH Type B = 1

I used to work on Huawei where I could change Pa, Pb and RS together to keep the total power under 40W.

If I use the calculator for the above settings to check for the total power, it shows me 72.7W.

I am keeping CrsGain as Pa and PDSCHtypeB as Pb and calculated RS using an online tool, i.e. 16.4 dBm.

Admin note: this post was updated with image below.

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Have you tried this calculator?

4G LTE RS RE Power boosting calculator |

crsGain is -Pa

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So to make PDSCH bigger than refference you have to do crsGain = 1, cause Pa = -1 makes this, right?

Yes, I calculated RS through this tool.

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Is this what you want to achieve?

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No. I have a 40W radio.

I mean in terms of RS being lower than PDSCH.

Yes, correct.

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PA should be positive, so crsGain has to be negative.

But I also don’t wanna exceed the total power which is 40W.

So crsgain = 1 and pb = 0.

Use -100, TypeB PDSCH will be caulculated automatically as far as I remember in Ericsson system.

Yes, try it and tell us how it went.

I am using an excel based calculator to calculate the possible configuration.

But using CRSgain = 1 and Pb = 0, gives me a total power of 48.9 W which is more than my RRU.

No, no.

It’s like this:

RS Power = (10LOG((configuredMaxTxPower / 1000 / noOfTxAntennas) * 1000,10)) - (LOG(PRB12)) + (crsGain / 100)

ConfiguredMaxTxPower will not change when you configure crsGain.

It’s not like in Huawei system.


Oh I see.

So the RS power is changed only by changing these two parameters CRSgain and typeB.

TypeB I remember you can’t change.

At the end of this thread theres a PDF with different vendor configuration In Ericsson where can I find the pb and Reference Signal Power parameters? - #10 by Thananan_Numatti

We can change typeB:

Can you share the link for this?

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