Security for 5G

5G, in one word is… Cloud.

And Cloud is made of Hardware… and mostly Software!

And Software is prone to… Attack!!!

That’s why we really need to take care of Security in 5G.

Not only the Core 5G Network itself, but also all ecosystem, applications and devices that form 5G networks.

That’s why 5G standards since early days use a principle known as “Secure by Design” to remove any assumption of safety from overlaid products and processes.

Enters SEPP - the security edge protection proxy which protects the network edge (more about SEPP coming soon).

So, this recently published paper from 5G Americas is a “must read” to everyone who future involves 5G, with topics like orchestration, automation, cloud native security and API security.

You’ll start to be familiarized with 5G “Zero-Trust” architecture.

That’s it, good reading, and happy new year! (2022)

Source/credits: Security for 5G - 5G Americas