Telco Towers Design (Camouflage)

Tower in Riyadh

Which company built it for STC?

No idea.

Okay, where are the panels?

I see :thinking:, it’s just a decorative presentation.

Promoting Saudi culture :laughing:

This is good. :blush:

Do you do the same in your culture?

Yes, sure! I’ll transfer this idea to India.

The challenge, however, is that India’s diverse culture would require thousands of designs tailored to each region.

Very creative! A few years ago, I saw a video of a winner from a tower design competition organized by eDotCo. The team used bamboo trees as their sustainable telco tower design.

It’s very unattractive, in my opinion.

It creates chaos in the brain.

It depends on the perspective of the viewer. I could give similar feedback about something in any country, but this is entirely subjective.

Everyone is proud of their culture, and that should be respected.

Don’t get me wrong… Culture is beautiful, but the camouflaging has its challenges.

Awkward. Could have been disguised with Palm tree.


Which problem are you referring to?

For the past 55 years at Calzavara, we’ve been building legacy poles and towers, including camouflaged towers.

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This is my favourite:

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The question is: Will the cover impact the beams?

I recall hearing about a study on this topic in the past, which suggested avoiding edges and corners for camouflage.

Unfortunately, I don’t have the references for it, but the idea seems plausible.

The cover is made of materials like fiberglass, so it shouldn’t have any effect. :blush: