The Motivation
Someone once said: “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”
This simple sentence was enough to motivate a group of likeminded individuals to start a new journey towards simplicity: the telecomHall Community!
Of course you don’t need to be an Einstein (yes - the guy who said that was Albert Einstein!) to understand things - and be able to explain it easily to others.
You need the right mindset: the desire to learn, the desire to improve and the desire to evolve yourself.
Even with this intention, the learning process is not easy. In fact, it is something really hard work, and alone you’re more likely to fail then succeed. However, if you persevere, there’s a huge payoff waiting for you!
But first you need to know that having a ton of information or docs will not make you clever. A lot of times you see people ‘rushing’ to get a new book, a new training, videos, and often to some ‘secret’ recipe to fix their networks. Others have gigabytes of such material on their hard disk - but when asked a simple question, they cannot answer, and ask for more docs.
It’s also common for some people to ask for ‘cheat sheets’, like interview Q&A - just doing things in reverse - memorizing the answers but not fully understanding the basics. It’s waste of time.
Another barrier to self-evolution is a “resistance” some people have to collaboration. They just want to receive it all done, ready (specifically) for their use. And don’t want to do anything but expect full support.
Aware of all these scenarios and challenges, a group of motivated telecom guys met and decided to create something different and disruptive that would be useful for everyone. And this became one of the biggest community for Telecom Professionals to get free support - telecomHall Community!
We don’t have any “magic” recipe nor do we want to “change” You - no, it’s up to You! It’s a choice only You can make, a decision only You can have.
But one thing we can promise: if you join us, you will not be alone. We’ll learn and grow together.
In our community we have Edutainers (who educate in an entertaining manner, teaching complex things in a simplified way), amazing Coders (programmers sharing their experience with latest languages and exclusive algorithms developed together through collaboration) and real life Experts (sharing the Best Practices and solving Telecom problems for any network).
In today’s busy world, people are pressed for time and immediate results. As such simplicity is key to succeed. The sooner you realize this, the better for you and your career.
There are no more places for traditional trainings. The world has changed - now it’s time for edutainers. Let’s learn what matters. The simpler we can keep things the more successful we will be!
Finally, there is no need for dozens of redundant and inefficient tools. Let’s use a single unified platform, built by the Telecom Community, for the Telecom Community: Boda Tool!
Use it, comment, suggest, criticize, ask… whatever collaboration you do - the big winner will be you!
And definitely there’s no future if you go alone. Simplicity is the Key, and Community is the door. Make a decision and start today (not tomorrow).
If you start doing it and stay focused, chances are you will be more productive in your area, and this will also help with your financial goals. This will also mean a happier life, with less stress and more time to spend with family and love ones.
Getting rid of information maze
Here you can find some links to help you to get through the maze of information to get knowlegde:
Community Forum: Forum - telecomHall One of the best forums to ask your questions in any Telecom and IT area. Create your new user now - it’s easy and quick to become a member and find even extra material!
Fav Resources: Fav - telecomHall huge links for the best external resources for you to improve your telecom skills.
Tools: Tools - telecomHall find the best tools (like Boda and Hunter).
Free Training (at Forum): Amazing articles explaining complex topics in a simple way.
Telecom Tips (at Forum): Exclusive tips to enhance the way you currently work!
WhatsApp/Telegram Groups: WhatsApp/Telegram - telecomHall Groups Global groups for 5G NR, LTE, 3G, Devices, Transport, Core, JOBS and much more
Youtube: Watch selected videos by our Community in our PlayList at Youtube
Facebook: telecomhall Join our Community page at Facebook
LinkedIn: Sign Up | LinkedIn Grow your network - contact the best experts in LinkedIn! Follow us on Twitter
Say Hello: Contact Us - telecomHall Any issue, suggestion or anything - contact us directly here.
telecomHall Community
Telecom made easy and free!
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