Hello, welcome to the Best Telecom Community ever!
We have (really) a lot of useful information here, so let’s do it by parts…
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And here you can find great tips, for example, how to remove Ads: Tips and tricks to use telecomHall Forum
Community FORUM
One of the biggest help you will find here is the FORUM - a place here in this platform where you can discuss with thousands of other telecom professionals, from every Country in the World.
Community WEB FORUM: You can choose for example to see the latest topics being discussed telecomHall Forum - Telecom & ICT Experts Discussion Forum or the top topics telecomHall Forum!
It is definetly the biggest forum to ask your questions in any telecom area.
Join dozens of thousands friends in telecom NOW, it’s easy and quick!
Active Members: Currently 40k+ Worldwide Telecom Professionals (Book Authors, Telco Bloggers, E2E Experts…). You will probably find your answers!
ONLY restriction → we don’t allow NOTHING ILLEGAL NOR PROPRIETARY. That’s what makes our Community so special.
Create your username now
It’s quick and easy to register a new user. Create your username now (in case you’re not a member yet ).
Just click Sign Up button and proceed.
Tip: you can even associate with your Gmail (Google) account, or Facebook or Twitter.
Best Favorites (Best Links) for every Telecom Professional! Favorites
WhatsApp and Telegram
Besides webforum (here) to discussions, we also have Groups in WhatsApp and Telegram.
As there are a lot of explanation about it, you can visit this section to know more and join any group you want: WhatsApp/Telegram - telecomHall Groups.
There you will find global groups for 5G NR, LTE, 3G, Devices, Transport, CORE, IoT, Data Science, Drive Test and much more.
Experts Group
Note: besides ALL free group that you can join, we have a very special one. Only with active Experts, discussing actively several telecom topics, 24x7. But due to WhatsApp limitation, to join this group you need to meet some requirements and follow the rules here telecomHall Experts Group.
Social Networks
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs4CqOa5GPmQ4DNiAcGvcag/playlists - Watch selected videos by our Community in our PlayList at Youtube.
Redirecting... - Join our Community page at Facebook
https://www.Twitter.com/telecomhall - Join our Community page at Twitter
Sign Up | LinkedIn - Grow your network - contact the best experts in LinkedIn!
Telegram: Contact @telecomhall - as there are no limit of users in Telegram group, link is here to all.
WhatsApp limits 513 members per group. So, to join, please visit this section and see instructions: WhatsApp/Telegram - telecomHall Groups
Other Sections in FORUM
Free Training (at Forum)
Amazing articles explaining complex topics in a simple way
Telecom Tips (at Forum)
Exclusive tips to enhance the way you currently work!
Free Tools
Know and use Boda - the ultimate free telecom tool to parse CM and PM, and more useful telecom tools!
Telecom Resources
Huge links for the best external resources for you to improve your telecom skills
We’re here to help. And this include trying to find a job (or even a new job) for you in Telecom.
One of the best way is to join the Jobs Groups.
Jobs Groups
Global Jobs
For this, check WhatsApp/Telegram section above.Jobs
You can join Global JOBS Group in WhatsApp and also Telegram.
Country specific groups (JOBS and also Discussion)
For WhatsApp, there is also an specific group for JOBS in each specific Country.
Groups for Telecom and ICT JOBS in any Country
For example, group to share Telecom Jobs in India only:
If you want to join the JOBS Group in your Country, please inform when someone contact you sending the Links for groups (after you have joined the entrance WhatsApp group).
Note: the JOBS groups are not a place to “ask” for a job; instead, it’s place to receive job offers other members of community share - includinng you!
Community History
telecomHall Community is a worldwide community, present in more than 150 countries - one of the largest Telecom communities in the World.
In addition to being the biggest, we’re also different: perhaps that is the reason for success! We do not accept anything illegal or anything proprietary. Our goal is to share information, not documents and files.
To learn more about our history, the best option is to download the following presentation:
telecomHall_Overview_en-US_2020-Q3.pptx (805.5 KB)
Invite a Friend?
If you wanto to invite a friend to join our Community, simply forward this page to him!
Other Information
And of course, if you have any issue, please let me us know.
Contact Us
We have several ways you can contact us - and we’ll be very happy. Any issue, suggestion or anything - contact us directly.
E-mail: telecomhall@outlook.com
WhatsApp Chat: Share on WhatsApp
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