We are looking for 5G NTN Speaker from 3GPP Group - Great Exposure to Space Industry Experts

We have only one slot Available!

Are you Open to join as speaker in #5G Online Conference Meeting, ‘LIVE’ on Youtube?

The 38th season session- XCHANGING IDEAS #38 Global 5G Evolution

#Options Key Area:

  1. 5G NTN Backhaul and Connectivity
  2. Evolution from NTN to 5G NTN
  3. 5G Satellite Use Cases and Challenges
  4. NTN in 3GPP Standards – Release 16, 17,18, 19
  5. 5G NTN Frequencies and NTN Commercial Market
  6. 5G Commercial Satellite Constellations
  7. Starlink NTN Commercial Market
  8. 5G NTN Architecture
  9. NTN RF Propagation Models Vs With Terrestrial Network
  10. 5G Internet Of Things And NTN
  11. 5G LEO Satellites for Remote Areas
  12. The Evolution of 5G Networks and the Impact of LEO-Based Satcom Services
  13. LEO-based Satcom Use Cases
  14. LEO Satellite Communication Market
  15. Deployment Options with NTN over Satellites
  16. Connecting NB-IoT from Space
  17. Satellite 5G/LEO Spectrum & Regulatory

I’d like to invite you to a 60 minute Virtual Conference, on 13th June, 2023, 08:00am GMT (4pm SGT). 10 mins each of us to give an update on specific key areas above or other 5G NTN related.

If you interested to speak on any relevant topic for 10 mins, pls message me on specific topic that you would like to speak, your email add & I will reach out you on details.

Click SUBSCRIBE button for free.

Thank you