Hello Experts.
What are the most importan KPIs to monitor a RAN Network?
Hello Experts.
What are the most importan KPIs to monitor a RAN Network?
Here you can find the most important KPI for LTE Networks:
LTE KPIs Hand Book
Broadly speaking, there are five basic KPIs that every mobile network operator monitors. Each of these can be drilled down into a myriad of granular KPIs, but what I’ve outlined below are the overarching themes.
The point of monitoring KPIs isn’t to diagnose the problem - it’s to highlight abnormalities.
To use ITIL-speak, “incidents” are deviations from a normal network trend, and problems are the root causes of incidents. Not every incident has an underlying problem, and most problems often manifest as incidents.
The purpose of effective network monitoring is to pick up on incidents (incident management), get the network back to normalcy ASAP (operations management) and then, identify the root cause (problem management).
Here are the five KPIs:
5G Availability, Accessibility, Retainability, Integrity, Mobility.
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