PWE3 : Pesudo wire edge to edge emulation.
it’s a logical transmission line.
can be created Inside MpLS tunnel to transport traffic from point to point.
physical transmission line can be fiber cable or wireless channel for microwave.
We can divide the physical transmission line in to multiple tunnels, each tunnel should have unique ID to avoid traffic Interference.
This ID called MpLS label.
Each tunnel can be also virtually divided into multiple Pesudo wires, each PW assigned unique label too
Pesudo wire can be used to transport TDM traffic inside packet switch network (IP).
This is done in case of we modernized part of the network from legacy TDM ( PDH / SDH ) in to IP.
We can allow coexisting between TDM network and IP network by using TDM over packet transport.
PWE3 is the main logical transport line that can carry the E1 frames / STM 1 frames fro example inside the packet switching network.
This is what called : circuit emulation.
We have 2 types of circuit emulation:
1- SAToP
This is how we can perform cost efficiency and network resources utilization.
So we can allow coexisting between CS network and PS network.