What is the difference between Open RAN and O-RAN?

What is the difference between Open RAN and O-RAN?
I.e. ORAN and O-RAN… Same or different?

Open RAN
The movement to disaggregate the RAN SW and HW and create open interfaces between them.

Telecom Infra Project (TIP)'s OpenRAN Group or OpenRAN 5G NR

Open RAN Alliance

When referring to Open RAN Alliance or “Open RAN”, e.g. on social media #ORAN

A city in Algeria! :wink:

No difference. Disaggregation of Hardware and Software with open interfaces.

These bodies are doing different things.

  • TIP OpenRAN Project Group - aims to promote and accelerate commercial deployment.

  • O-RAN alliance - aims to build standard open interface where 3GPP do not specify.

  • Open RAN Policy Coalition - aims to promote policies that will advance the adoption of open and interoperable solutions in the RAN.

Hello @ankgitm, please take a look here: