What is the Ericsson parameter for CA activation?

Could someone please tell me the Ericsson parameters to set during CA activation?

The CA parameters are:
NodeType MoType Parameter
EnodeB CarrierAggregationFunction CarrierAggregationFunctionId
EnodeB CarrierAggregationFunction caPreemptionThreshold
EnodeB CarrierAggregationFunction caUsageLimit
EnodeB CarrierAggregationFunction sCellActDeactDataThres
EnodeB CarrierAggregationFunction sCellActDeactDataThresHyst
EnodeB CarrierAggregationFunction sCellActProhibitTimer
EnodeB CarrierAggregationFunction sCellDeactProhibitTimer
EnodeB CarrierAggregationFunction sCellScheduleSinrThres
EnodeB CarrierAggregationFunction waitForCaOpportunity
EnodeB OptionalFeatureLicense=Support6Cells featureState
ENodeB OptionalFeatureLicense=CarrierAggregation featureState

In case of 2 DUS present in eNb then optional feature CrossDUCarrierAggregation must be activated in the eNb.

ENodeB OptionalFeatureLicense CrossDUCarrierAggregation featureState

I hope this will help you.


Hi. Thanks for this answer. But I would like to know how we can set those parameters, which values for it.

As you can see my respond is for a while ago, and unfortunately I do not have access anymore to the Alex library to help you out.

Sorry about it.

Sure, thanks.
I will check the library

Thanks this was useful. Just to add, from a lesson learned:
if the Carriers are in different eNodeBs (multiple DUs , or BBUs, or BBU+DU) we need to have the license and activate the feature for InterENBCarrierAggregation (CXC4011476).