MpLS is a protocol used for traffic forwarding.
Work in layer 2.5 , between Ethernet and routing layers.
Use labels to forward traffic.
LER is a router receive traffic from client devices and classify the traffic based on different attributes.
LSR switch the traffic using labels and forward it to next hop.
LER works with IPs and labels.
LSR use only labels to forward the traffic.
GMPLS works similar to MpLS and add OAM control to help in network troubleshooting and operation.
GMPLS used to transport all types of traffic like TDM , WDM and IP traffic.
MpLS label inserted between IP header and. Ethernet header.
MpLS header contain label + TTL + Cos + BOS.
TTL is 8 bits , time to live , used to prevent loops.
Label is 20 bits , used to forward traffic.
COS is class of service and used to identify type of traffic and class and priority.
BOS is bottom of stack , used to indicate whether there’s multiple labels (for VPN applications and traffic engineering).