We should ensure the line of sight in microwave Links.
Line of sight mean the near end and far end dish antennas should be on the same line of sight.
This is achieved by the process called alignment.
To perform alignment we need avometer, laptop, login cable, NMS like weblct or minilik craft depends on the magazine type.
Magazine is the indoor unit of microwave Link.
Before alignment we should ensure the link installed as per azimuth, height, tilt of the planning sheet.
To satisfy the performance from the microwave Link we should ensure the area between near end and far end of microwave Link is clear of obstacles.
Obstacles can be trees, buildings, flags, bulbs…
Fresnel zone is ellipsoid shaped zone around the line of sight.
This ellipsoid zone has radius, calculated based on frequency range of the link and distance between near end and far end.
We should keep the 1st fresnel zone 100% Free of obstacles.
If we got obstacle inside the fresnel zone we have to:
- change antenna height
- try repeater or reflector
- try reroute the link
As frequency decreasing and distance increasing, the fresnel zone radius increase too.
For example: if frequency 4 GHz, distance 70 km, radius will be 36 meter.
For example: if frequency 38 GHz, distance 5 km, radius will be 3 meter.
For example, E band 80 GHz, distance 1 km, radius is only 1 meter.