What's the formula or KPI to have 5G NSA PRB DL and UL utilization by cell?

Dears Experts.

What’s the formula or KPI to have 5G NSA PRB DL and UL utilization by cell?

Thanks in addvance.

Vendor is for Ericsson.

Physical Resource Block DL / UL:

  • PRB DL Utilization = (Total DL PRBs used / Total available DL PRBs) * 100

  • PRB UL Utilization = (Total UL PRBs used / Total available UL PRBs) * 100

And it works to SA or NSA?

Yes, 5G NSA PRB.

Would be this formula?

(pmMacRBSymUsedPdschTypeA +
pmMacRBSymUsedPdcchTypeA +
pmMacRBSymUsedPdcchTypeB +
pmMacRBSymUsedPdschTypeABroadcasting +



Both measure the percentage of PRBs that are being used to transmit data, but they do so in slightly different ways.

The first metric, PRB DL Utilization = (Total DL PRBs used / Total available DL PRBs) * 100, is a more general measure of PRB utilization.

It simply takes the total number of PRBs that are being used on the Downlink and divides it by the total number of PRBs that are available on the Downlink.

The second metric, pmMacRBSymUsedPdschTypeA+pmMacRBSymUsedPdcchTypeA+pmMacRBSymUsedPdcchTypeB+pmMacRBSymUsedPdschTypeABroadcasting+ NRCellDU.pmMacRBSymCsiRs) / pmMacRBSymAvailDl, is a more specific measure of PRB utilization.

It takes into account the different types of PRBs that can be used on the downlink, such as PDSCH, PDCCH, and CSI-RS PRBs.

In practice, the two metrics will typically be very close to each other.

However, there may be some cases where they differ slightly.

For example, if there is a lot of broadcast traffic on the downlink, then the second metric may be slightly higher than the first metric.

Overall, the two metrics are both valid measures of PRB utilization.

The best metric to use will depend on the specific needs of the user.