XCHANGING IDEAS #50 Global 5G Evolution - Check out TODAY's Conference!

June 2024 Edition - Available NOW!

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Check NOW! June 2024 great line up speakers at today’s Conference

XCHANGING IDEAS #50 Global 5G Evolution (Follow Our Page) - 5G Key Highlights!


Kaneshwaran Govindasamy, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - KT Corp records the Highest Contribution of Beyond Connectivity

Xiaomao Mao, Massy, France – The Future Seaport

Emily Dubs, Geneva, Switzerland - When DVB-I meets 5G: Optimizing mobile networks for media delivery, new opportunities at hand

Ajna Jalim, Johannesburg, South Africa - 5G: A Game Changer for MVNO Business Models

Heikki Almay, Helsinki, Finland- Making Private 5G Agile and Affordable

Zenepe Satka, Stockholm, Sweden - Towards Integrated TSN-5G Networks

Williams Tovar, Brittany, France - 5G for Media Streaming and in particular the usage of Multicast and Broadcast technologies

Adel K, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia – Cloud Migration Strategy, and Application to IT & Telco Workloads

Zeinab Muhammad 🥇 Muhammad, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia – Unlock the Future with IoT, IIoT, and 5G: Transforming Industries and Shaping the Connected World

Eric Hewitson, London, United Kingdom- Satellite IoT, its position as a connectivity solution for the IoT- where we are and where it is going

Questions & Answers Session - A Must Watch!

Big Thanks to the Brilliant Speakers!

Nokia Seaport Private 5G in China available in this video presentation!

This June session is amazing!

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